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ID: HR25-883

Presenting author biography:

Advocacy officer for people who use drugs program working for Tintswalo HBC, deputy chairperson in the PWUD sub sector under SANAC AIDS COUNCIL S.A.

Women who use drugs and the Law: The unfair treatment and discrimination towards WWUD and the Rights of children to be with their mothers.

Boksburg is a city with an estimated size population of + - 420,000 people on the East Rand of Johannesburg. It is mostly dominated by white middle- and Upper-class population, amongst them is a growing number of women who use drugs. These are not only WWUD, but they are also mothers, partners and grannies. Based on Tintswalo NGO S.A current data collected of 215 people who use drugs in Boksburg 65 of those are Women.
We have conducted parental groups for people who use drugs and female contemplated groups for specifically women who use drugs
Key arguments: Of all the female contemplated groups and focus groups held 30% of these females their kids have been taken away from them by Department of social development South Africa. These act of violent discrimination and stigma have left these women desperate, broken, and humiliated and declared unfit to be mothers by the court of Law. AND children are taken to foster care and adoption departments and left to face cold reality of harsh decisions ruled by the court of Law.
Some women have been coerced to go for rehabilitation programs in order to gain access to their children, some have been barred from interacting with or seeing their children.
Intermediary strategies:
Tintswalo is working with a Paralegal from Nacosa to render legal literacy groups to women for advocacy and empowerment to fight for their children and also with the intervention of psychosocial team. We assist with court prep and accompany women to court for support and advocate for Harm Reduction services.