ID: HR25-962
Presenting author: Leigh Beck

Presenting author biography:

Leigh Beck owns a harm reduction counseling and consulting practice in Maryland, USA. She is a licensed clinical social worker and certified nature informed therapist. Her doctorate in social work focused on the political determinants of the opioid crisis in the United States.

Drug Use is Natural: An Introduction to Nature Informed Harm Reduction

Leigh Beck

Workshop content

Nature Informed Therapy (NIT) is an evidenced based method to integrate the restorative power of the natural environment with other behavioral health interventions. Blending the healing properties of the natural world with other modalities helps address a wide range of health concerns. Nature engagement promotes overall well-being, life satisfaction, and a harmonious relationship with environment. In this workshop, Dr. Leigh Beck will present the basics of NIT and her approach to integrating it with harm reduction on a micro to macro level. Workshop attendees will participate in nature informed harm reduction activities and discuss the natural history of human drug use, including the relationship between drug policy and climate justice.

Learning objectives

1. Describe the natural history of human drug use.
2. Understand the therapeutic benefits of nature informed therapy.
3. Practice nature informed interventions for self-care and risk reduction.
4. Connect drug policy advocacy to climate justice.

Expected outcomes

1. People will be more engaged with nature, integrating it more into their own self care routine and in their harm reduction work.
2. Nature will strengthen as a theme in the Harm Reduction movement.
3. The Harm Reduction, Environmental, and Anti-Militarization movements will strengthen their collaboration.