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ID: HR25-938
Presenting author: Mélodie Talbot

Presenting author biography:

Melody has had a drug addiction since she was very young, it was her whole life. Threw those years she lost many friends and is since then, very interested about grief. Giving grief workshops gives a new sense to all her losses.

Grief discussion group for people that have lost loved ones by overdoses and the consequences of the war on drugs

Mélodie Talbot
Based of: Since the Overdose crisis, we knew we needed to do something about our communities grief. I developed a by and for people who use drugs grief discussion groups for people who have lost loved ones by overdose or after suffering from consequences of the drug war like suicide, blood infections and more.

Why am I qualified and the best person to do this at HRI 2025?
I myself use to be a drug user, I lived on the streets and I’ve lost many friends by overdose and I still do. It’s peer work, but with grief. Being an ex-drug user that has herself done this project, would give a great example to others, to show them that they can also to grief discussion workshops within their community.

What goes on while Grief discussion groups?
It’s important to care about the people that are still here so it is important for me to to get to know them a little bit by say their names/nicknames and pronouns and the first question is ‘’How are you?’’ It may seem simple but it’s such an important question. We have different themes around grief. Mainly the subjects would be about how people feel about losing people by overdoses. How can we go on when we’ve lost so many friends tragically? How is the overdose crisis going in your country?
We are there to support our peers that are grieving like we are. We’re here to listen.

Audience contribution?
It is my goal to do a grief discussion groups at HRI 2025 so the people that are present can have an example of what they can do themselves. It will be a privilege for us to have the unique chance to talk about overdoses and grief with people from all over the globe.