ID: HR25-2
Presenting author: Mike Selick
Presenting author biography:
Mike Selick is the Associate Director of Capacity building at National Harm Reduction Coalition. Prior to joining the organization, he worked at New York City Harm Reduction programs, first with a focus on public policy and peer training, then as the Director of Services at a South Bronx Syringe Program.
Overdose Prevention Center in Burlington, VT: How one small city overcame a national backlash against Harm Reduction to pass good policy
Mike Selick, Tom Dalton
As the United States experiences a backlash against Harm Reduction across the country, with even "liberal" cities ramping up arrests of people who use drugs and unhoused people, a small city in the state of Vermont has taken a bold step in the other direction by opening an Overdose Prevention Center (OPC).
Vermont, alongside Rhode Island, both in the Northeastern US, stands out as one of only two states in the country that have successfully passed OPC laws, with just two centers currently operating in New York City by OnPoint-NY.
This presentation will feature two advocates and providers who helped change the law in Vermont and ensured funding for the OPC in Burlington by obtaining support from City Council, the Mayor's office, city agencies, businesses, and the community.
Attendees will learn about the years of education, advocacy, and community building that led to overwhelming legislative support and overcoming a conservative Governor's veto. Through our presentation, participants will hear insights on how to pass controversial Harm Reduction legislation in a location with very limited resources, facing challenging circumstances, and with only a small group of highly motivated activists.