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ID: HR25-1512
Presenting author: Jordan Wulz

Presenting author biography:

Jordan Wulz is an Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Concordia University Wisconsin, School of Pharmacy in the Milwaukee area. His teaching and research efforts are focused in pain management, substance use disorder, and harm reduction. He is passionate about educating the public on the need for Harm Reduction.

Engaging the Local Community through an Event at a Brewery: Meeting People Where they Are!

Jordan Wulz
Harm Reduction can mean different things to different people, especially in the U.S. To some it means nothing at all because they have never heard of the concept or philosophy before. This presentation will describe an effort to educate and engage the local public on the importance of harm reduction in reducing drug overdose deaths through a 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) event hosted at a local brewery--an example of meeting people where they are! In the academic setting, a 3MT is meant to challenge graduate students to present scientifically complex research to an audience that knows nothing about their research in just 3 minutes. In the brewery setting, it's a similar idea but, according to my local brewery, with "more fun and less maths". Speakers are invited to present on any topic and try to convince the audience of their hypothesis. This presentation will detail two 3MT presentations given in this venue on "The Case for Safe Consumption Sites" and "The Case for Legalizing Drugs", and the greater impact these efforts may have in changing the narrative around harm reduction strategies and policies in the U.S.