Chevonna Gaylor is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT CA89366), published author and skilled presenter. Chevonna currently serves in Seattle, Washington (USA) as PDA’s Director of Education and Resiliency with expertise in addressing clinical matters related to equity, individuals facing homelessness and community violence.
Workshop content
To sustain harm reduction work and create social justice, equity and peace, we must strategically plan to meet the wellbeing needs of harm reduction workers. Our CoLEAD program utilizes a multilayered model for staff support that intentionally cares for our team. Established in 2020, our innovative and comprehensive community-led public safety program includes CoLEAD lodging that operates 24/7. CoLEAD services are grounded in a collaborative case management model from a harm reduction, trauma responsive, assertive engagement approaches to identify resource needs and matching that are client centered. The complexities of our service delivery and vulnerability of individuals we serve, creates unique demands for our harm reduction staff. CoLEAD seeks candidates for hire with lived experience, in addition to applicable academic and career backgrounds. Compensation and consideration are equivalent for individuals with non-traditional skill development. This has allowed for a team rich in skill and passion, yet deserving (and often needing) ongoing support to prevent potential harm to themselves or the individuals we serve. We employ a 4 pillar model for the care of our harm reduction staff: (1) equitable hiring practices, (2) robust compensation/benefits packages, (3) wellness campaigns and (4) professional development. Our staff care model has evolved over time, as growth opportunities related to emerging staff needs, programmatic restraints, budget restrictions and overall logistical issues have arisen. We additionally create ongoing opportunities for collaboration and strategic ways for integrating staff feedback into executive decision making. This workshop describes our 4 pillar staff care approach that centers the wellbeing and voice of harm reduction workers with examples, discussion and activities.
Learning objectives
Practice wellness techniques, engage in dialogue and obtain resources regarding care for harm reduction workers
Expected outcomes
Learn the impact working in the harm reduction field can have on the wellbeing of its workers and gain practical tools for addressing those needs