ID: HR25-1020
Presenting author: Maria Angélica de De Castro Comis
Presenting author biography:
Master in Medicine and Sociology of Drug Abuse, Vice-president of the Brazilian Network for Harm Reduction and Human Rights and parliamentary advisor on the subject of human rights and public policies on drugs.
Different advocacy strategies for implementing safe drug use spaces in the largest city in Latin America
Maria Angélica de De Castro Comis
The effort to ensure the implementation of safe drug use spaces has required strategic planning, involving multiple stakeholders and sectors. In São Paulo, strategies were articulated through the creation of a technical working group at the Municipal Council for Alcohol and Other Drug Policies. This group's role was to develop proposals based on scientific evidence and best practices for harm reduction, seeking to promote the health and dignity of people who use substances in vulnerable contexts.
The collective construction was extended to government spheres, such as the Legislative Assembly of the State of São Paulo and the City Council, together with residents of neighborhoods located near the largest open drug use scene in Latin America. This coordination with local communities was essential to mitigate potential resistance and adapt strategies to the specific needs and concerns of the population directly impacted.
In addition, the preparation of technical documents sent to the Executive Branch was a key step in formalizing the proposals and inserting the agenda into the institutional debate. This technical material served as a basis for inter-institutional discussions involving civil society organizations working in harm reduction, health and social assistance workers, and people who use drugs themselves, whose voices were fundamental to the design of more inclusive and effective policies.
This participatory and intersectoral approach has been key to overcoming resistance and promoting an innovative public policy focused on harm reduction and guaranteeing rights.